Showing articles in the Start Ups! Category
There is a long-established bit of wisdom that says that ideas being exposed to 3rd parties by the creators should be covered by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). The concept has existed for generations and in a dates to a pre-digital era. In the modern world of entrepreneurism and investing, is an NDA still a valid requirement? Why do many investors refuse to sign them and what are the implications?
Analysis paralysis (or paralysis by analysis) describes an individual or group process when overanalyzing or overthinking a situation can cause forward motion or decision-making to become "paralyzed", meaning that no solution or course of action is decided upon. This short article is about the possible actions to get out of the syndrome.
Entreprenurism is a massive mental strain in almost every regard. The challenge around developing the product or service, financing the development, what technology to use finding the right employees, procurement etc. is just massive. "Doing the right thing" in an ethical sense sometimes will seem like a very low priority, so what stance can entrepreneurs take to get some ethics into the company culture early on?
Going back to the pre-internet era, expertise was probably determined through academic qualifications, publications or just having been doing something longer than everyone else. When the internet came along, everyone became an expert at something and set out to prove it by blogging, posting, commenting, flaming or out-right promoting. This article is really a reflection of how I see it and not off the back of any empirical study.